About Patrick

Patrick McManus as The Einstein Clone ™ ℠


Patrick brings a lifelong passion for science, invention and learning, along with compassion for humanity, to his Einstein look-alike act.  The middle child of nine, his mother was German, and father was Scottish.  Patrick was always the odd one. 

Although a rebellious dreamer in school, he had an insatiable curiosity for science and technology.  His playground and lab were the factories and junkyards of post-war industrial Chicago.  There, he scrounged stuff to make all kinds of science gadgets. 

In high school he studied electronics and worked as a door-to-door salesman after school and summers.  He then interned as a technician for an electronics factory. 

By age 20 Patrick was testing instruments for nuclear reactors and NASA Apollo spacecraft by day, studying engineering at night and tinkering over the weekends.  (Ask him about Apollo 13!) 

Then there was the war; he didn't go.  As a conscientious objector, Patrick was assigned to the L.A. Planned Parenthood Clinic, where he found himself centrifuging test tubes of pee for pregnancy tests and doing birth control and overpopulation outreach. 

Later, Patrick used those outreach skills to promote energy conservation programs and workshops on solar and alternative energy.  After that he managed a federally funded energy program and later designed and built solar energy houses. 

Patrick earned a BA in Environmental Design from Evergreen State College. 

Over the last twenty years, Patrick has explored human potential through therapy, movement, meditation, the arts, biofeedback, and neuroscience studies.  He is a guild-certified practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method of somatic education. 

At the Northwest Mind Body Learning Institute, he helps clients recover from injuries and improve their performance with Functional Integration, Awareness Through Movement lessons, as well as biofeedback and neurofeedback programs. 

Patrick is part of a thriving arts community where for the past six years, he has co-created and performed in The Islewilde Arts Festival.  He is an active Toastmaster and loves to research and speak about ideas that are in tune with Einstein's life themes: Science, Perception, Learning, Human Dignity, Peace, Creativity, and Imagination.

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